What is glyphosate and why do I care? Is there a way to find bread without glyphosate? Is there such a thing as healthy food in America? That’s why we use ancient grains! And we will show you how and show you why.
We started cooking with ancient grains in our recipes several years ago when we realized that all food in the United States is now contaminated with roundup. Roundup is made with glyphosate which is a neurotoxin that leads to poor mental and physical health. Batch testing of popular health foods such as almond milk, vegetarian burgers, bread, cereals, and more has shown residue from round up. How much contamination is there and is it that harmful?
Glyphosates in food
Even a small amount of glyphosate can disrupt the hormone system enough to cause birth defects, miscarriage, infertility, sterility, and stimulate the growth of cancer cells. It continues to accumulate in the body, so any amount is harmful. This contamination is even in organic food because it’s been used so much in the United States that the overspray is on everything. That’s why we really feel like ancient grains imported from countries that don’t allow glyphosate to be used at all are the best bet for wellness. A healthy diet is important for overall health. And you’ll reap the many health benefits of wheat berries.
So are ancient grains healthy? Everyone is always talking about how unhealthy gluten is and grains, but many people actually have an intolerance to glyphosate and it’s not actually the gluten at all. It’s something to think about. And might be a good reason to start making your own ancient grain flour.
In 2015, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (part of the WHO) finally classified glyphosate as a probable human carcinogen and in 2017 California’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard was classified as a known carcinogen. They are finally admitting the truth and Monsanto, the company that makes Round up has known it for years and has been covering it up with false test results.
Food with glyphosate
Glyphosate has been found in grains, nuts, fruits and vegetables, bread, cereal, meat, and more. There are not a lot of ways to avoid it. We start with buying organic food and growing as much of our own as we can. We don’t use round up and we try to find as pure food as we can. It’s difficult though. And we know that grains contain more glyphosate than other foods because of the process growers use to spray round up all over their grain crops and let it die out and dry up before harvest so it’s easier to get the grains harvested. But this leaves a far higher concentration of round up in the food source.
If you want more of my weight loss story and how I grew up on little Debbies and soda and learned how to change my health and life through exercise and nutrition, check out this nutrition guide. It has some basic dos and don’ts that my wife and I used for me to lose 100 pounds and be on no medication at age 53. There are also some sample meal plans in there. It was a long process, not a quick fix, but if I can do it, so can you!
A great way to avoid glyphosate in your diet is to make your own flour out of whole grains. Modern wheat has been altered so much that is devoid of some of the essential amino acids you need for good health and that is what is causing a lot of celiac disease or gluten sensitivity in Americans. But the good news is, you can still get good food if you put a little effort into it. And you may have to go beyond the grocery store to work your way to better health. But you are worth it!
Other countries have banned glyphosate so Italy, for example, which has banned it, can offer some glyphosate residue-free wheat berries to use to make flour. Jovial is a great brand from Italy that sells wheat berries and flour made from different kinds of ancient grains. We love their products and they are fairly easy to get off of their website or even Amazon. Don’t you wonder why other countries are so concerned with the health of their food supply, but the United States doesn’t seem to be? It’s confounding to me.
Anyway, Ancient grain recipes can offer ideas for better blood sugar control, nutritional value, reduced heart disease, healthy gut bacteria, and so much more. Real food, organic food in its whole form, the way God made it is a big deal and will improve your health! This has been my personal experience and studies show that it does help. Use whole foods, and simple ingredients, avoid a lot of additives, and improve your health a little bit at a time. You are worth it! Check out the blog for our sundried tomato pesto farro salad, smoothy bowl recipes, buckwheat salad, healthy drinks, and more. Avoiding modern grain can play a huge part in health, so think about it.
How to detox from glyphosate
There are a few things that will help remove glyphosate from your body including:
- A soluble fiber called citrus pectin that binds to substances and removes them
- Kelp which can remove heavy metals and toxins
- Glycine, an amino acid that is a powerful detoxifier that protects the liver. It is found in bone broth and collagen as well as legumes, meat, dairy, eggs, and fish. In addition spinach, kale, cabbage, bananas, and cauliflower have some.
- Gingko biloba is an herb that protects against toxicity.
- Probiotics and prebiotics that restore your beneficial gut bacteria that glyphosate kills off.
- Supporting your body with safe and natural detoxifiers is the best defense against all environmental toxins for long term health and wellness.
Ancient grains bread
The link above goes to our ancient grains bread without glyphosate recipe that we use using einkorn flour. Remember that ancient grains have not been hybridized to produce more gluten so this flour is low in gluten and your bread won’t be fluffy like a marshmallow. But there is something to be said for natural food in the state God intended it to be in. Check it out, you can make it right in a breadmaker, so it’s simple to do. For more bread recipes that you can use uncontaminated grains in, check these out.
And check out these ancient grains recipes for more delicious dishes made with safer ancient grains.
If you are used to white bread, it can take some getting used to to switch to whole wheat bread made with healthy ancient grains. Wheat flour has a different texture, and ancient grains don’t have as much gluten in them to make your bread as fluffy. But whole grains have a nutty flavor that is hard to beat. And if you find a great recipe that you like, it will serve you well. Whether you focus on gluten-free grains or lower gluten ancient grains, it will be so much better for your health and you will get used to the flavor and texture. I think, like us, you will end up loving it and it’s a great way to get a lot of protein and nutrients from your own healthy homemade bread. You are worth it! So try something that is out of your comfort zone. You might surprise even yourself!
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