How to Eat Healthy When you HATE Vegetables

It's no secret that to be healthy you have to eat healthily, we need nutrition, and we are what we eat, right? But how do you eat healthy when you HATE vegetables? You can't out train a bad diet. And our bodies need fruits and vegetables to get all the vitamins and minerals we need..

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Workout Routines

Working out is important to every area of your life and wellness wheel because it affects everything you do. Your workout routines set the tone for your life. Working out gives me mental focus, revs up my energy, makes me feel good about myself, and helps me look better. Overall, I just feel better. You..

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Benefits of Social Relationships

We need people and there are many benefits of social relationships. Knowing and interacting with others brings a higher quality of life to us. Elements of social interaction One element of social interaction is the interaction between two or more people. There is a reciprocal relationship between them where they connect with each other. They..

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Spiritual Morning Routine

Spiritual wellness is an important part of your wellness. A spiritual morning routine gives you a far greater chance of a successful day. I feel doing my spiritual morning routine quiet time is very important. My spiritual time is done after I have showered and dressed for work. This is so I won't feel rushed..

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