Mental Wellness Activities

Mental wellness is a very important part of the wellness wheel and one you must address to have success on your fitness journey. These mental wellness activities can help you live a more balanced life. In today's fast-paced world, maintaining mental well-being is just as crucial as caring for physical health. Incorporating mental wellness activities..

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Exercises for People with Obstacles

God built our bodies to move. Things happen that make it harder, but there are still plenty of exercises for people with obstacles. Many things happen when our bodies don't move. We start to disintegrate and fall apart. Sometime in life obstacles keep us from moving. It's important to get the okay from the doctor..

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Exercises for Elderly

I work with a lot of elderly clients at my job. I love seeing how exercises for elderly people can change their life dramatically. Exercise is important for all of us. Fitness for life It's never too late to make huge gains in your fitness journey. No matter how old you are, every wedge of..

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14 Excuses for Not Exercising and Why We Should Do It Anyway

If you are looking for an excuse not to work out, you'll find it! Here are 14 of the most popular excuses for not exercising and why we should do it anyway. There are so many excuses people give for not exercising. I have heard them all. I understand there are obstacles to working out,..

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