When it comes to weight loss, having a balanced diet that meets your needs for fiber, fats, and proteins is very important. Adding high-fiber foods for weight loss can help you feel healthier overall.

high fiber foods like pasta and fruits and vegetables arranged on a table

The benefits of fiber for weight loss

High-fiber foods are great for weight loss and your fitness journey because fiber helps you feel more full allowing you to eat less without feeling hungry. Fiber is also great for helping to reduce cholesterol and improve your overall digestive health which is linked to fatigue that can make it hard to find the energy to work out. A high fiber diet should be part of any healthy diet but it can be very beneficial for those looking to lose weight.

Getting enough fiber into your diet can be a bit of a challenge. The best way to get fiber into your diet is to eat whole foods and make a point to eat more fiber every day. To help make it easier to get more fiber in your diet try adding whole fruits and vegetables to your meals and use them for your snacks. You can learn to love vegetables even if you hate them now. See how I did it. And get ideas for meals with vegetables here.

Avoid highly processed foods and switch your grain product like bread and cereal to ones that use whole grains as the first ingredient. Concentrate on ancient grains for even more optimal health. You can find ancient grains recipes on the the website here:

nuts and grains arranged on a table

High fiber foods for weight loss

When adding fiber to your diet starts out slow as too much fiber can easily lead to digestive issues while your body adjusts to the rise. These high-fiber foods are great for helping you lose weight and improve your overall health and wellness. These are some of the best high fiber foods for weight loss.

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Oats are a very low glycemic index grain packed with fiber and protein. Using oats as a regular part of your diet is a great way to improve your fiber intake and help you feel full longer. Use this fiber for breakfast or add it to other foods to boost the fiber. Oats can easily be added to ground meats, baked goods, and protein shakes. Try these organic Banana Walnut Oatmeal Cookies for a sweet treat that’s healthy too.

Watermelon is mostly water and fiber. This summer fruit makes the perfect snack on a hot summer day because it helps to keep you hydrated and can be very filling with its fiber content without taking up much of your calorie allowance for the day. Try something fun like freezing slices to use in place of high-calorie sugar-filled freezer pops.

Apples while high in sugar are high in fiber that helps keep you feeling full and balanced blood sugar levels. This high-fiber fruit is great when paired with peanut butter for a healthy protein and fiber combination that makes a wonderful snack at home or on the go. Want to make it even more of a treat? Add a dash of cinnamon to the peanut butter. `

Avocados are high in fiber with 10 grams per cup. This healthy vegetable is not only packed with fiber but filled with healthy fats that are good for your heart, skin, and joints. If you are looking for a great option to add fiber to your diet and help you get the healthy fats needed for your body to function properly while still burning off body fat avocado may be your new best friend. If you don’t like avocado, try blending it into your smoothies or blend it with some cocoa powder and your favorite sweetener and freeze it for a snack on a hot summer day.

If you want more of my weight loss story and how I grew up on little Debbies and soda and learned how to change my health and life through exercise and nutrition, check out this nutrition guide. It has some basic dos and don’ts that my wife and I used for me to lose 120 pounds and be on no medication at age 53. There are also some sample meal plans in there. It was a long process, not a quick fix, but if I can do it, so can you!

beans, grains, and fruits arranged on a table

There are a large variety of nuts available to you. These are packed with fiber, healthy fats, and protein. Due to this powerful combination nuts are great for helping you feel full and meet your nutritional needs for the day. Try adding them to salads or eating a handful for a snack.

Berries are full of fiber and water that are both good for you. While some people may suggest eating dried fruits because they have a higher fiber content, eating them fresh with the water intact is better overall and will help you feel full faster. Try adding berries to your salad, tossing them into your protein shakes, or eating them with a bit of homemade whipped cream using heavy cream and a dash of your favorite sweetener for a fun treat. Or try Healthy smoothies for weight loss.

Chia seeds are a great way to add more fiber to your diet. Not only can you use them in fun recipes but you can easily add them to foods you are already making. This is a great high-fiber addition to everything from yogurt to pancakes. Keep in mind that they do expand with liquid

Hopefully, some of these high fiber foods will help you feel better and lose weight too. I can’t wait to hear all about it. And remember that exercise helps you control your food cravings! Check out these superfoods for health!