Healthy Home Environment

A healthy home environment is critical for total wellness. You must have a healthy and comfortable place to live to have success on your fitness journey. Environment is a big part of the wellness wheel. What goes on in your life can make the difference between success and failure on your road back to wellness...

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Save Money (and Your Health) Cooking at Home

Cooking at home can take a little getting used to. But you'll save money and enjoy better health with home-cooked meals. Finances are a wedge of the wellness wheel because getting a handle on them is part of good health. Your fitness journey won't be complete without attention in this area. A huge way we..

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Mental Wellness Activities

Mental wellness is a very important part of the wellness wheel and one you must address to have success on your fitness journey. These mental wellness activities can help you live a more balanced life. In today's fast-paced world, maintaining mental well-being is just as crucial as caring for physical health. Incorporating mental wellness activities..

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Meal Plan on a Budget

The healthiest food is unprocessed and chemical-free whole food. No matter if you eat plant-based or meat-based meals, you can meal plan on a budget. There are many ways to save money on food. Healthy food is actually less expensive than processed food, fast food, or restaurant food. My wife is the food expert in..

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The Importance of Habits

Why do your habits matter? The things you do over and over again form your life. The importance of habits might be more than it seems. It is important to develop good habits for your fitness journey. It helps you stay motivated and feel good about yourself. It helps you keep moving forward in a..

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Why is Social Wellness Important?

Are you involved in your community? Do you have genuine personal relationships? Why is social wellness important? What is social wellness Social wellness is the ability to connect with others and maintain strong personal relationships. It’s an important part of the wellness wheel and falls under the environment wedge. Being comfortable with who you are..

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What is Spiritual Wellness and Why Does it Matter?

Spiritual wellness is an important part of your overall wellness and a piece of our wellness wheel. It’s your path towards your life’s meaning and purpose. Physical and mental wellness are very important as are financial, environmental, and habit wellness. But we can’t overlook spiritual wellness or the quest to find your path on your..

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What is a Wellness Wheel?

A wellness wheel is just a tool you can use to make sure you are focusing on total wellness in your wellness journey. One area of wellness is not more important than the other. But they all work together to support and help each other. There are six focus areas on our wellness wheel at..

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