You probably know methods that can help you in life. But you know what ties most of these other methods together? Gratitude can improve your quality of life more than anything else. Remember to take care of your mind too.

person overlooking a field at sunset with arms stretched out in gratittude

Saying “thank you” might sound simple enough, but the sad truth is that not a lot of people practice it in real life. If you’re looking for ways to change your life for the better, choose gratitude. Here are 5 ways gratitude can improve the quality of your life. We have to remember to be mindful.

Gratitude Unlocks the Fullness of Life

  1. Gratitude makes you happier. When you remember everything you currently have in your life, it cultivates more joy. No matter how little or how abundant your material or non-material wealth is, don’t take anything for granted. Be thankful for what you have, there are others out there who aren’t as blessed as you! Always!
  2. Gratitude makes you more likable. Saying thank you to people who make your life easier helps life that person up. They feel appreciated, and they will try and do their best to be better at their jobs. When people like and appreciate you, they tend to be more trusting and open which results in better relationships with everyone!
  3. Gratitude makes you less self-centered. You probably dislike self-centered people. These are people who think of nothing but themselves and feel entitled to everything they can get their hands on. They have no regard for others. When you practice gratitude, you become aware of the people around you, and in effect, you become more accepting towards others.
  4. Gratitude makes you less envious. Envy can be good or bad depending on how much envy you’ve got. It’s good if you can use it to do productive things, like motivating you to try and do something better with your life. But it’s bad if you let it take control. Feelings of insecurity and inferiority can literally destroy your happiness. So practice gratitude and be happy for those who are more successful than you.
  5. Gratitude makes you more optimistic. When you make gratitude a habit, you see the silver lining in everything. It makes you more optimistic and gives you a more positive outlook on life! What you focus on you get more of. What you sow, you reap. And it’s a great relaxation technique as well.

Start being more grateful today. Start by reciting three things every morning that you are grateful for. Watch as you go through your day for even more things and always, say thanks.

person looking grateful wearing a yellow shirt

How to Improve your Prayer Life

Much of prayer is saying thank you to God for our blessings. Thanking Him for walking beside us and carrying us through our problems. Thanking Him for blessing us with good things. And I don’t think it comes naturally to us to pray thankful prayers either. But if you want to improve the quality of your life, grateful prayers are important.

It’s good to journal about all the blessings in your life to track how blessed we really are. Try to spend the first few sections of your daily prayers in thanks. Thank God for all He has done and all He’s going to do. Then ask for what you have need of. Then thank Him that He’s going to give you the answer that is best for you.

Jesus gives us this example in the Lord’s prayer. It’s our model for how to pray.

Psalm 23

A psalm of David.

The Lord is my shepherd;
    I have all that I need.
He lets me rest in green meadows;
    he leads me beside peaceful streams.
    He renews my strength.
He guides me along right paths,
    bringing honor to his name.
Even when I walk
    through the darkest valley,[a]
I will not be afraid,
    for you are close beside me.
Your rod and your staff
    protect and comfort me.
You prepare a feast for me
    in the presence of my enemies.
You honor me by anointing my head with oil.
    My cup overflows with blessings.
Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me
    all the days of my life,
and I will live in the house of the Lord

paper that says today I am grateful with a pen on top

So first Jesus tells God His needs are met because God watches over Him.

Then He continues to be grateful for rest, strength, and safety. He mentions that God is always close and comforting him. And that He overcomes His enemy. Then He talks more about His blessings and God’s goodness. The whole thing is a thanks to God for everything He has done and everything He’s going to do. This is Jesus’ example of a prayer to God. It shows us that gratitude is a big part of prayer.

Following this example in prayer and in our lives is the key to living well. We do reap what we sow, and I want to sow positive and good things in my life. Don’t you want to see if gratitude can improve the quality of your life? Being mindful makes a big difference and improves your quality of life! Combining gratitude with simple morning breathing routines will set the tone for the day.

For more ideas on your journey to wellness, check this out:

Now for a joke:

How do generals show their gratitude to their troops? They give tanks.