Do you love perfecting your exercises? Whether building strength or improving stamina, learning how to do a perfect beginner squat will bring you more results than rushing through and doing them quickly. Squats are a perfect addition to a workout routine that have many benefits to the body.

They are a simple bodyweight exercise or you can do them with weights. Simple bodyweight squats are a great exercise you can do at home too. This would be a great time to consider hiring a personal trainer to teach you good technique and then going on to work out from there on your own.
What is a squat?
Think of a squat as sitting in a chair and standing back up, without using your hands. This is a great exercise that is very beneficial to improve overall body strength. And don’t forget to make sure you are using proper form to reduce the risk of injury and get the most from each movement.
Benefits of squats
Doing well-formed bodyweight squats helps you build the muscle groups to walk up and down stairs well. They help you sit and stand from chairs. They build strength for better movement for everyday activities. They also help keep your ankles, knees, and hips in working order.
You can also do squats with weights. These weight squat benefits include strengthening your core, reducing the risk of injury, strengthening muscles of your lower body, and burning lots of calories. Having a variety of exercises in your routine helps keep you motivated. And squats can be done anywhere. Here is a great workout schedule to help keep you on track as well.
Squat mechanics
Think about sitting in a chair. In fact, you can use a chair for safety and knowing how far to go down. Don’t sit down on it, just kiss it and come back up. You can do simple desk squats at work too!
Keep your trunk upright, shoulders relaxed, spine straight, and eyes looking straight ahead. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart and toes slightly pointed outwards.
Slowly lower your boy down like you are sitting in a chair. Initiate the movement in your hips and then your knees.
Start with just your body weight and if you want to add more challenge, use a bar on your shoulder or dumbbells in your hands. Work up from there.

Types of squats
- Body weight squats-Stand straight with your legs apart. Push your hips backward while keeping your feet in place. Hold this poistion for a second or two and then push back up.
- Dumbbell split squats-For more challenge, hold a pair of dumbbells. Keep your hands by your sides. Stand straight with your legs apart and take a small step forward with your left leg and lower right knee until it barely touches the ground. Pause for a moment. Push back to original position and change legs.
- Goblet squats-Hold a dumbbell in your hands in front of you at chest level cupping the head of the weight. Think of it like holding a glass. Brace your core and lower your body as far as you can go. If you need to use a bench or chair for safety, do it. Push your hips backwards and bend your knees. Hold the position for a brief second and stand back up.
- Barbell squats-Place the bar behind your head across your shoulders and perform a normal squat. Push your hips back and bend your knees. Keep lowering as far as you can go. Be sure to move slowly to help prevent injury.
- Jump squats-Keep your fingers on the back of your head and keep elbows straight. Slowly bend your knees and then jump up as high as you can go. Squat down as soon as you land and then jump again.
Beginner Squat Weight
For a beginner squat, I would recommend doing bodyweight squats. The most important thing is technique. This is a high-risk exercise with too much weight that can cause injury if not done correctly. After you are able to do about 3-4 sets of 12, try adding a small amount of weight. Five to ten pounds is plenty.
Try putting a bar or a broomstick behind your head like a barbell and squat and practice like that. This gives the exercise a different feel and you can work on the technique before you add weight.
For more ideas, check out Best Full Body Workout for Overweight Beginners.
Remember, before starting ANY kind of exercise, consult with your doctor to make sure they recommend it.

Good squat workout
Be sure to warm up 5-10 minutes before you start squatting to get your hips and knees warmed up.
- Day 1 Bodyweight squat-1 set of 8
- Day 2 Bodyweight squat-1 set of 8
- Day 3 Rest
- Day 4 Dumbbell split-1 set of 8
- Day 5 Goblet squat-1 set of 8
- Day 6 Rest
- Day 7 Goblet squat-1 set of 8
- Day 8 Bodyweight squat-1 set of 8, Goblet squat-1 set of 8
- Day 9 Dumbbell split-2 sets of 8, Bodyweight squat-2 sets of 8
- Day 10 Rest
- Day 11 Bodyweight squat-2 sets of 8, Goblet squat-2 sets of 8
- Day 12 Bodyweight squat-2 sets of 8, Dumbbell split-1 set of 8
- Day 13 Rest
- Day 14 Bodyweight squat-3 sets of 8, Goblet squat-3 sets of 8
- Day 15 Bodyweight squat-3 sets of 8, Dumbbell split-1 set of 8
- Day 16 Bodyweight squat-3 sets of 12, Barbell squat-1 set of 8
- Day 17 Rest
- Day 18 Bodyweight squat-3 sets of 12, Goblet squat-3 sets of 12
- Day 19 Bodyweight squat-3 sets of 8, Dumbbell split-2 sets of 8
- Day 20 Rest
- Day 21 Bodyweight squat-3 sets of 15, Goblet squat-3 sets of 12
- Day 22 Bodyweight squat-3 sets of 15, Barbell squat-1 set of 8
- Day 23 Bodyweight squat-3 sets of 15, Dumbbell split-3 sets of 8
- Day 24 Rest
- Day 25 Goblet squat-3 sets of 12, Barbell squat-1 set of 8
- Day 26 Bodyweight squat-3 sets of 15, Goblet squat-3 sets of 12
- Day 27 Rest
- Day 28 Bodyweight squat-4 sets of 15, Dumbbell split-3 sets of 12
- Day 29 Goblet squat-3 sets of 15, Barbell squat-2 sets of 8
- Day 30 Dumbbell split-3 sets of 12, Barbell squat-2 sets of 8
Congratulations! You won!
It’s very important to work your legs. I see many people only work their upper body, but you need balance all over. Core is important, legs are important, and upper body is too. It all needs to be balanced. Your legs help you be mobile, balanced, and healthy too. Working your legs also helps burn more calories because they have larger muscles. So this beginner squat routine will rock it for you. And squats can be a great part of a Simple Office Workout too.
I see you and know that you want a healthy body. I know you can do it. Because if I can, anyone can. So put some work into yourself and take care of you!
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